Power Poles

AGL New Connections

Timber & Steel Power Poles

There are two types of commonly used power poles and they are Treated Timber and Steel Power Poles respectively.

We stock the complete range of power poles for both steel and treated timber poles:

Timber Power Poles

Steel Power Poles

  • 8 meter 2 kn
  • 8 meter 4 kn
  • 9.5 meter 4 kn
  • 9.5meter 6 kn
  • 11 meter 6 kn
  • 11 meter 8 kn
  • 4 inch diameter by 4.5 mm by 6.5 meter
  • 4 inch diameter by 4.5 mm by 7.2 meter
  • 5 inch diameter by 4.5 mm by 6.5 meter
  • 5 inch diameter by 4.5 mm by 7.2 meter
  • 6 inch diameter by 4.5 mm by 7.2 meter
  • 6 inch diameter by 5 mm by 8 meter

Telecom XYZ poles by request only.

Important Information

  • If the Telstra/ Foxtel network is located on the power pole in the street, and if the lead in cable coming to your property must be connected to your private pole, then you must install a timber pole.
  • Timber pole have badges and are a certified product by an ISO endorsed company (Koopers). These badges indicate the depth the pole has been set into the ground, the species of pole and the strength rating. Timber pole are also none conductive.

Timber Poles

Steel Poles

Timber poles are a better quality of pole, just look around and you will find almost every electricity pole in the street is timber. Timber poles have a longer life than steel poles and also less maintenance is required. The expected life of a timber pole is about 30+ years. Steel poles are very popular these days, just drive down a typical street in Croydon and you will see there are steel poles in front of every house and timber poles down the street.
If there is an active termite or moisture is present at the ground level all the time, in such cases, wooden poles aren’t a good alternative. It is important to understand that the wall thickness on a steel pole is only 4-6 millimetres (mm). The galvanised coatings on the poles are only 1 millimetre (mm) thick. It takes only 10 +/-year for the moister at the ground level of the pole to eat the protective coating and start some severe structural damage then the rust grows like cancer. It is critical to understand that the inside of the steel pole is hollow.
At the places where the presence of water remains constantly at the base, it is recommended that poles in general are not installed in such areas. For example: Poles must not be installed directly at the bottom of the hill. However where steel wins the race – It’s the physical look of the pole that is straight and the steel pole can be painted to match the property. Steel poles up to 7.2 meters are relatively cheaper than wooden poles.

In Sydney, we recommend customers to install timber power poles rather than steel power poles. However, whatever the customer finally feels comfortable with, we will accordingly complete the power pole installation adhering to the Australian standards and New South Wales Service and Installation Rules (NSWSIR). We will provide you with a certificate of compliance and rate the pole to the tensions as required in the AS 3000 and NSWSIR.